Heritage Aviation, Ltd has great experience manufacturing wire harness and cable assemblies for many different markets and industries. Potential industries include Aerospace, Military, Specialty or Vocational truck, Off-Road Equipment, Data and Telecommunications, Industrial Equipment, Food Service Equipment, and many others.

This broad industry coverage allows you to benefit from the vast knowledge of components and manufacturing techniques that Heritage Aviation uses. As equipment and machinery moves to higher technology, electronic components and wire harness and cable assembly needs are evolving as well. Data connections once limited to computers are now being found in many applications.
You need a wire harness and cable assembly manufacturer who has the product capabilities to work with the new high technology components and cross market applications. Heritage has the industry experience and product capabilities to master the challenges of today’s high technology requirements. Delivering you the technology solutions you need on-time at the most competitive price.
Heritage Aviation excels at custom wire harnesses for the Aerospace Industry. Before we begin any Aerospace harness, we review and gather all parts and tools as required. We then use our Laselec machine to cut and laser mark all wires. We remove insulation per customer specifications.
After completing these processes, we then solder all sub-assemblies onto the harness and then place heat shrink over all soldered joints. We apply terminals to the ends of the wires and write-on labels to the various connectors.
In order to ensure that the wire and cable harnesses meet standards and special customer requirements, we perform a comprehensive series of tests, verifying proper wire lengths, component quantities, and wire ID’s. We also ensure that the wire ID’s read left to right. In addition, we verify that all crimps are correct and of good quality, that all connectors are secure and in position, and that all terminal pins are securely seated.
Wire Harness Capabilities
Medical Field
Custom wire harnesses are frequently used within a medical diagnostic application. Before we begin assembling any medical wire harness, we first perform a series of exact measurements which help us to properly cut, split, and strip and mark all wire and cable assemblies.
We fulfill IPC/WHMA-A-620 workmanship standards as required. After the product is fully assembled, we apply all additional labels as necessary and mark all clamp positions, meeting (+/-) 1/8″ tolerance for precision placement. In order to ensure that the cable wire harness meets high medical industry standards, we perform a series of in-process visual inspections and measurements.
Mil Spec Harness
Heritage Aviation can give you the competitive advantage you need to win that next big program and contract. You have months or years invested in your proposal, and you cannot afford to lose it now. Heritage has helped customers remain competitive on the cost of Military cables assemblies and Military wire harnesses ensuring they win contract and the business.
If you are struggling to meet cost saving and profitability goals on programs or contracts you already have, contact Heritage Aviation for solutions to help you reduce your costs on Military wire harness and Military cable assemblies.
Whether you have a new program or contract to win, or you have an existing program that you need to find cost savings. Heritage is the Military wire harness and Military cable assembly supplier you need to win the job and keep it.
Manufacturing Capabilities
- Crimping
- Coiling
- Coiling
- Cutting
- Integrating into Sub-assemblies
- Marking
- High Speed Inkjet Printing
- Laser Marking
- Hand Marking
- Soldering
- Stripping
- Terminal Application
- Ultrasonic Wire Welding
Industries We Serve
- Aerospace
- Agricultural
- Aircraft
- Food
- Industrial Equipment
- Industrial Vehicle
- Medical
- Military
- Printing
- Safety/Security
- Wire
Industry Standards
- CSA – Canadian Standards Association (Compliant)
- IPC WHMA-A-620
- ISO – International Organization for Standardization
- ISO 9001:2008
- ITAR – International Traffic in Arms Regulations (Registered)
- Mil-Spec – Military Specifications
- REACH – Registration Evaluation Authorization and Restriction of Chemical Substances
- ROHS – Restriction of Hazardous Substances
- UL – Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (Recognized Cable & Harness Manufacturer)
File Formats
- AutoCAD (DWG)
- DXF – Drawing Interchange Format, or Drawing Exchange Format
- GIF – Graphics Interchange Format
- JPG or JEPG – Joint Photographic Experts Group
- PDF – Portable Document Format
- TIFF – Tagged Image File Format